Internet Explorer (PC users only)
It's easy to make us your default start up page - just follow the simple instructions to download a small file(1kb) that will make the change for you.

  1. Click here to start downloading, after a second or two a dialogue box will appear.
  2. Select "Open" when prompted to choose between "Open" and "Save"
  3. Select "OK" in the dialogue box that appears afterwards
  4. Finally to test your changes, simply click the "Home" icon in your browser, and you should be taken straight back to our home page

Internet Explorer (Mac users only)
Just follow the simple instructions below:

  1. Open the home page
  2. On the Edit menu, click Preferences
  3. From the "Web Browser" list, select "Browser Diplay", below the Home Page menu type in ""
  4. Finally to test your changes, simply click the "Home" icon in your browser, and you should be taken straight back to our home page.

Netscape (PC & MAC users)
It's easy to make us your default start up page - just follow the simple instructions below:
Click here to see the steps.

  1. Open the home page
  2. On the Edit menu, click Preferences
  3. From the Category list, select Navigator In the Home Page Box, click Use Current Page
  4. Finally to test your changes, simply click the "Home" icon in your browser, and you should be taken straight back to our home page.